Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Drill Down: Part 5 of 5

In the previous drill down, I explained what can happen if the modern vector commander manages to lose control of his system.  Military technology has become so efficient that a handful of technicians with unmitigated access to our current global trade network are capable of putting nuclear dents in the planet.  Such an event may not actually come to pass, but the fear of unraveling global trade is enough to mobilize vector commanders to create fail-safes against such a scenario.  In this drill-down, I will construct the ultimate fail-safe:

"Those who command their labor vectors will always strive for greater efficiency in their maintenance and in their performance.  The ideal outcome is modifying the labor vector's behavior on command while completely eliminating risks to systemic stability.  The problem, then, is the very nature of the labor vectors themselves.  Limitations in the labor vectors neurology, most specifically, the mechanisms surrounding unsynchronized emotional narratives, stand in the way of future efficiency.  The emotional narrative of the labor vector is the biggest source of inefficiency for the execution of resource extraction.  Therefore, the elimination of emotion, and then later the synthesis of new emotions, through advanced genetic engineering, is essential for future efficiency and will completely negate the nuclear risk associated with the previous control paradigm.  It is difficult to clamor for war due to economic collapse if you simply do not have the neurological facilities for rage, anger, and aggression."

It's not the future until we have
flying cars, no matter how many
brown people get blown up
by semi-autonomous aircraft
You might be reading this outlandish conclusion on a screen of  several thousand synchronized liquid crystals and typing a response on a plastic keyboard where each keystroke commands a pulse of electricity that then interfaces with a complex array of capacitors, semiconductors, and integrated circuits.  You'll manage to say  something along the lines of "That's impossible!  You're read too much Sci-Fi!"  Then, when you click on a complex graphical element labeled "Reply" on said screen, which is being rendered as the emergent property of thousands of math equations per second, with your mouse, which captures and compares the difference in laser reflections to determine motion.  Then, a precisely defined bundle of electrons will be routed at random between several dozen computers spanning the globe which will eventually end up here so I can experience the full glory of your compounded failures of mental discipline.

You are actually responding in real-time to a theory you feel angry about in real-time from the comfort of your environs.  Don't talk to me about too much sci-fi, you fucking stereotypical American.

The ideal condition for any vector commander with a bird's eye view is called the steady state.  The premise is simple.  You wake up and yesterday is just like today.  No extraordinary effort is needed to preserve anything.  No anomalous behavior destabilizes affairs.  Reality persists by itself and consequences do not matter.  Your entire reality is steady, stable, and reliable.  You no longer focus on the means and, instead, can spend all of your energy focused on the ends.  This fantasy is the anchor in which all economic theory is founded on achieving.  This outcome is where all vector commanders find themselves hurdling towards at one point or another.

History's first vector commander,
Alexander III of Macedonia.
A steady state, simply put, is when investment equals depreciation.  For the vast bulk of human existence, a steady state was not possible.  The amount of energy you put into the system may or may not have yielded equal returns.  However, after the industrial revolution, the formula changed dramatically, allowing energy inputs to result in greatly magnified outputs in relation to previous time periods.  Humanity has experienced, collectively, the natural state of scarcity and the curse of plenty, however, vector commanders have had far more time throughout history mastering scarcity situations.  At the time of this entry, vector commanders have embraced international capitalism as the vehicle to best manage the variables of the industrial revolution to achieve the ideal of a steady state. (Consumer demands equal production capability)  Nonetheless, higher order problems have arisen that challenge that structure.

Production capability has been mastered over the span of two hundred years.  With each new technology, a new efficiency is achieved and more of something can be manufactured at faster speeds.  Consumer demands, however, are not as mathematically predictable.  A sloppy approximation of emotion, manufactured dichotomy, and centrally controlled narratives are the rule of the day when shaping consumer demands.  (Marketing is nothing more than primitive psychologists lobbing grenades into a crowd.) As information technology becomes more pronounced, crafting demand is less of an exercise in carpet bombing and more of a sniper round.  However, even when refined to the optimum, this approach has a peak efficiency that is ultimately hindered on communication problems caused by individual emotional context.

Marx knew that, in order to achieve
industrial equilibrium, the nations of the
earth would have to construct a big
enough stick to beat the moon with.
These isolated interpretations of reality cannot be known by third parties, and this lack of control threatens the ability to provoke unified consumer activity on demand.  This results in consumption being the fat slouch at the bar that emanates an aura of unfuckability while productivity is the hyperactive teen that wants to inject ham sticks into the Republic of Labia at every possible moment.  Given the two, the productive assets are far easier to target with central economic dogma to adjust for lack of demand.  However, when taken to the extreme, a vector commander intentionally destroys mass volumes of productive capability to create a period of "infinite demand".  This Broken Window model has been enacted upon several times since the mid-1800s.

In a pure globalist state where all consumer markets have been liberalized and synchronized, marketing techniques are at an optimum, and productivity can be tightly managed, this problem of human emotional context becomes more magnified than ever before as it is becomes the final barrier to the industrial equilibrium sought after by the steady state.  If the aggregate demand slumps and central economic dogma cannot kick start it back into gear, the Broken Window Model will be dragged out once more, but this time, it will be with nuclear consequences.

To abandon five thousand years of technological mastery will not occur.  It's not even an option on the fucking table.  No one is willfully going back to prolonged slave labor and dying of tooth decay at the age of twenty.  (I'm kidding, look at these classy misanthropes.) It will be far more convenient (and economically feasible) to use the momentum of our current technological pace to master genetic engineering and alter human emotions for vector commander needs from the genome up.  I'm not talking everyone taking a pill.  I mean human hybrids being born without the neurological capacity for specific emotions.  Advanced hybrids will enjoy the experience of synthetic emotions.  The desired ends of such tinkering will be determined, as always, by the vector commanders.

Human emotion must be rendered into a purely plastic state so that it can be synchronized more efficiently to meet the needs of productive capability.  This outcome is the unconscious direction authority has been yearning towards for thousands of years and, in my lifetime (and maybe even with my indirect help) the reoccurring tyrants will get the physical manifestation of what they've always wanted.

In the next article, I will discuss the means that will serve as the foundation for this outcome.