Once I find the relationship, I then find patterns and bind that relationship to another, over and over again, until I can merge it completely into my self-narrative. The idea is that whenever I recall the concept of myself (the default state of anyone) I can simultaneously recall almost every data relationship I've ever encountered throughout my life. I've effectively created a Pavlovian response to one of our most important mental capabilities. This process has allowed me to absorb, recall, and utilize a vast array of data and has, in turn, altered my behavior in unexpected ways.
By now, some of you may be lost, so I'll get right to my point: The culmination of these patterns, data sets, and experiences has resulted in a theory. This theory is very, very complicated because it involves almost every relationship I can recall. Due to this complexity, I am currently unable to communicate the contents of this theory memetically. For example, if I was to summarize this theory into a single Twitter update, it would be the following:
You are all fucked.
Of course, this has the emotional appeal of having your eyeball laced with paper cuts (I saw you cringe when you read that!) which reinforces my lack of memetic appeal. I've since settled for a policy of incrementalism to propagate this theory more cohesively. (This blog) The previous posts are axioms to prepare a specific kind of person for my theory. The axioms are as followed:
- Stop trusting the news (Information denial)
- Stop trusting photography (Emotional denial)
- You are not an asset, you are a liability (Fate denial)
- You're a sucker until you aren't (Violence denial)
- There is no class warfare (Utopia denial)
These axioms are carefully crafted for the specific intent of diffusing the plethora of factory-stamped excuses people will reflexively rattle off when they are exposed to my theory. I have accepted that I cannot alter the trajectory of your self-narrative towards the direction it is running from. (That technique is owned, wholly, by the sociopaths in charge of things) I can, however, deny that self-narrative the opportunity to go on auto-pilot by overloading its triggers.
In short, I am aiming to disable your bomb by using a bigger bomb. It's not graceful and there's going to be a lot of collateral damage. But once you are disabled, my theory can be absorbed.
Once you are ready, adept, continue your studies to the next post.
Once you are ready, adept, continue your studies to the next post.
But we *are* all fucked... Oh. Wait. I see your point.