Monday, December 12, 2011

The Drill Down: Part 2 of 5

In the second drill down of the theory, we will be going over the second paragraph.  In the previous drill down, we went over the concept of labor vectors and how they contribute to the gradual increase of their coordination through vector commanders.  In this drill down, we will talk about how all those labor vectors coalesce as an emergent property called "the market":

"A wide variety of tools have been deployed to modify the behaviors of massive numbers of people. Sticks, stones, chains, whips, clubs, swords, and other primitive weapons were some of the earliest. However, in between bursts of social violence were periods of stability. This stability allowed labor potential to acquire additional resources other than the standard fare to maintain the current structure of behavior modification. Eventually, labor potential translated to future value with the advent of surplus resources. The desire to represent this surplus value lead to the creation of currency. This put down the foundation of a super structure that fluctuates in accordance to labor potential. Today, we call that super structure "the market"."

Table 1: This is how vector commanders
view your life
When a human is born, they only have what their parents give them.  For most of us, our parents give us a name, bad manners, health defects, and goofy tufts of flesh that barely qualify as genitalia to produce even more inferior spawn.  They also put us on a timeline that will ultimately kill you.  As you journey through this timeline, you gather information about your surroundings and you learn to interact with it.  Some of you may even get to influence other people's timelines and help them out.  (Most of you won't.  You'll just end up pissing everyone off.)  What you call a "journey", vector commanders see as a "shelf life".  (Table 1, left)

Table 1 is an example of the properties of a standard labor vector in a pre-agrarian society.  As humans age, they become progressively more difficult to train.  They also fail to be worthwhile as their labor potential dies off dramatically.  None the less, these poor sods played their roles over 5,000 very messy years and happened across a few technologies, some social organizational models, and eventually, access to resources via the market improved.  By doing so, labor vector properties improved as well.  Today, these two values look like Table 2.  (Below, right)

Table 2: You, after 5,000 years of resource gathering
by people like you.
However, even after 5,000 years of technological progress, social coordination, and market optimization, you are still just a gradually deprecating liability, albeit, an extendable one.  Fortunately, we are still in a time period where even the absolutely most disposable of you can generate, in some insignificant capacity, surplus value (through debt) that vector commanders will then take from you so that they can modify the behaviors of even more gradually deprecating liabilities.

However, improving labor potential doesn't always mean application of that labor potential.  As labor potential improves, less labor potential is needed.  So not only are the natural forces of entropy conspiring against you... you are also up against the market that actively finds ways to not need you.

Well, now we are in a catch 22.  Your utility is improved through market optimization, but your utility is automated by market optimization.  This leaves behind a trail of entitled Bohemians, fucking retards, the professionally depressed, the bamboozled, the collateral damage, and other economic detritus whose proneness to behavior modification is now sustained due to their dependency on the market.  In the third drill down, we will explore various models of sustained behavior modification through this dependency.

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